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Sunday Services are held at 10.30am every week with occasional early morning and evening services. They are led by Ordained Ministers or Local Preachers.

  • The first Sunday of the month includes Holy Communion
  • The second Sunday in the month is a Parade Service for the Boys' and Girls' Brigade supported by the Music Group
  • The third Sunday in the month has an additional 8.45am Holy Communion service
  • There are occasional evening services advertised well in advance.

Worship is at the heart of our church life. Through singing, praying and reflecting on the meaning of the Bible in today's world, we seek to strengthen our personal and shared relationship with God.

Our worship motivates us to seek ways of serving God by serving others.

The J Team (Sunday School) has various groups from tots to teens. They share the start of our worship before going to their own activities in the community centre. Family Parade Services involve the Boys' and Girls' Brigades and all the youngsters stay in for these Family services.

If you are planning to visit us and don't know what to expect, click our Visitors' Guide. We hope it will help you to feel welcome and at home with us.

Tea, coffee and soft drinks are served in the hall after each 10.30am service. It is a good opportunity to relax and get to know people without feeling pressure of any sort. We would love you to see for yourself.

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Aylesbury Methodist Church & Centre
Buckingham Street
HP20 2NQ

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© 2024 – Aylesbury Methodist Church
Registered Charity 1129749