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Reverend Richard Atkinson is the Minister of our Aylesbury Church and Superintendent Minister of the 16 churches in the Vale of Aylesbury Methodist Circuit. Richard will be happy to discuss your wedding service thoughts with you. His contact details are: Telephone 01296 339899 and Email: revrja@outlook.com,

Weddings may be live-streamed by arrangement and kept on our website for about six weeks.

To those considering marriage, including same-sex marriage, the Methodist Church offers the following guidelines.

What is the first step?

Usually a couple wishing to get married should approach the Methodist Minister of the church at which they wish to be married. This would normally have to be in the civil registration district in which they live.

Marriage preparation is provided at a local level by the circuit ministers. The best route is to start making links with the minister likely to conduct the wedding. As part of the legal process, prospective marriage partners will need to go to the local registry office and will be given a copy of a book called 'Married Life', which is a helpful resource for people thinking about the implications of getting married. The Methodist Church produced a Christian Preparation for Marriage report in 1998. There is also an ecumenical website about marriage preparation.

One of us is divorced. Is that OK?

The rules and laws relating to divorce are not made by the church but by the State. Methodist Church House is not in a position to offer advice on couples' pastoral situations. The best advice is to speak to the local minister or the superintendent minister of the circuit where you live.

The Methodist Church is generally willing to marry people who have been divorced, while their previous spouse is still alive, as long as there are not major obvious reasons why it would be inappropriate to do so. There are a very few ministers who will never marry someone who has been divorced, but such a minister will refer the couple to a minister who is willing to marry divorced people.

The local minister will be able to explain the legalities about going to the registrar for a certificate and so on. The Methodist Church does not argue that the grounds for divorce should be changed from the present ones. We would certainly encourage a couple going through difficulties in their relationship to seek advice, counselling and support to see if they can rebuild it. We would also expect people to take very seriously their responsibilities to any children of the marriage.

Does one of us have to be a Methodist?

People wanting to marry in church don't have to be members of the church, but most ministers will ask them why they wish to marry in church. A church marriage is a solemn Christian ceremony, with prayers and Bible readings reflecting Christian understandings of what marriage is about. Whilst people wishing to marry in a Methodist church do not need to be church members, most ministers will look for a genuine desire on the part of a couple to take their marriage seriously along the lines set out in the service. Discussing what this means in practice will be part of the marriage preparation.

What if we are from two different denominations?

Many marriages in Methodist churches (and many couples marrying in Methodist churches) include people from different Christian denominations. Where two people from different church traditions marry, it is quite common for ministers from both churches to take part in the ceremony. This is welcomed. Sometimes, people from different faiths marry – and there is advice available for such marriages.

What about same-sex marriage?

In 2021 The Methodist Church became the largest religious denomination in Britain to permit same-sex marriages. It followed national consultation on a specially commissioned report on marriage and relationships. Whilst there was an 85% majority in favour of having same-sex marriages in Methodist Churches, to respect the views of the remaining 15%, each individual church and minister are allowed to make their own decision about hosting same-sex ceremonies.

In March 2022, Aylesbury Methodist Church Council agreed to allow same-sex weddings in our church by a similar voting margin. It has now started the legal process to obtain the necessary registration of our premises.

Guidance for same-sex couples is the same as the above guidance for mixed-sex couples.

What are the principles and qualities of good relating?

All significant relationships should be built on self-giving love, commitment, fidelity, loyalty, honesty, mutual respect, equality and the desire for the mutual flourishing of the people involved.

It is through that self-giving, rather than self-seeking, that the self flourishes and begins to experience life in all its fullness. However, self-sacrifice must not be misunderstood and misused (e.g. by abusive partners) in a way that is destructive of the well-being of the ones abused (often women).

In summary, Richard Atkinson is a good first point of contact for you and will welcome your call.

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HP20 2NQ

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Registered Charity 1129749