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27th March 2023: Posted
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amc reminders

In the forewarned absence of the notice sheet this week, here are a few reminders about Messy Church, Newcomers' Tea, Maundy Meal, Easter Breakfast and Circuit holiday.

Messy Church is this coming Saturday, 1st April from 3.45pm – 6pm. Margaret Miskin invites you to come along for a fun afternoon. There will be lots of craft, games, table tennis, air hockey and bible story. The theme is Easter. Tea will be served at the end of the session, so to make sure we have enough food, please email amc22messychurch@gmail.com by this Thursday 30th March, giving us numbers of children.

The Newcomers' Tea, for all those who have joined us for worship in the last year, is also on this coming Saturday afternoon, 1st April. For more information, click here.

The Maundy Mealon Thursday, 6th April, will be in place of the normal Maundy Thursday service and will follow what happened on this holy night. To book a place and for more details, click here.

The full English Easter Breakfastwill be served on Easter Day from 9am by the SOS Group. You are invited to come and join them on this joyous occasion – a great way to begin this special day. Tickets are from £6, from Lynn Bernstone, 01296 420817. Profits will go to the Whitechapel Mission.

The Circuit Holidayon the 12-16th June, still has some twin, double and single rooms available. For more information, click here.

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HP20 2NQ

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Registered Charity 1129749