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Toys & Gifts December 3rd

29th November 2023: Pauline Noble
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amc bucks family support centr

NEXT SUNDAY – DECEMBER 3rd- our annual TOY AND GIFT SERVICE will take place during the morning service at 10.30am.

The need, again, is urgent, with the continued cost-of living crisis, so if you are able, please bring a new toy or gift for a child of any age. Della Holmes of Bucks CC will be with us to help receive the presents during the early part of the service. These will then be delivered to Elmhurst Family Centre to be sorted by Family Support staff working within the Aylesbury Vale area, and go directly to
children and young people in this area who would otherwise have very littleto open on Christmas Day.

If you would like to help but are unable to make a purchase, then a small donation in a sealed envelope, will also be extremely welcome. This money will be used to purchase vouchers for teenagers.

Please do not wrap your presents, as all items will be matched to the child by the Family Support staff.

Do you have any cardboard boxes suitable for packing and delivering the toys and gifts? If so, please ring Pauline 01296 484940.

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