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This Week

2nd October 2023: Posted
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amc this week

This week's activities include the Monday Food Bank, Tuesday Fellowship, Wednesday Lunch Club, Thursday Sunbeams Baby & Toddler group, Saturday Messy Church and Sunday's Chapel Anniversary.

The Food Bank is looking for new volunteers to go on the rota to help at the Monday evening Food Bank from 7pm to 9.00pm. Speak to Kevin more more information on 01296 481285 or via the office email.

Tuesday Fellowshipisat 2.30pm is with Peter and Jane Honeyball from our Chinnor Church. Come along for a cup of tea or coffee, a biscuit, and a chat! ALL ARE WELCOME. Please ring the bell for Room 4, to be met in the reception area. For more information, contact Coral Soulsby: 01296 707298.

The new Lunch Club will begin this Wednesday at 12.30pm. Bookings closed yesterday but you can book for future ones planned for Wednesday 8th November and Wednesday 6th December. Speak to Richard (01296 339899) or Gill (01296 748659).

Sunbeams, for babies and toddlers and their mothers, fathers and childminders, meets again on Thursday from 10am to 11.30pm. A welcome awaits!o

Messy Church is this Saturday, 7th October from 3.45pm till 6.00 pm. with a theme of Joseph and his Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat. Please come along and join in the fun. To help with catering, please email amc22messychurch@gmail.com by Thursday 5th October to let us know if you're coming.

Chapel Anniversary is next Sunday and the 10.30am service will be led by our former Superintendent Minister, Rev. Fred Ireland. We will also be celebrating the 30th anniversary of the SOS (Sometimes On Sunday) Group, that was founded in Fred's time with us here. Come and share the celebration!

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Buckingham Street
HP20 2NQ

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