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Streaming Update

14th September 2023: Peter Green
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There is good news on the streaming of our Sunday morning services. Whilst last Sunday, we only had some sound and no picture, the problem has been identified and fixed. A piece of equipment overheated and failed, with the hot weather a possible contributor. However, Steve Kemp has been able to source a replacement and all is now working again. 

We are very grateful for the helpful feedback we received on the previous week's launch of the new system. Several commented on a lower sound volume, so Steve has been able to adjust that and we look forward to hearing the result of that this coming Sunday.

If you ever have any questions, problems or suggestions on our streaming service, we would love to hear from you. This can be either direct to Steve Kemp or any member of the Stream Team or via Richard on 01296 339899 or revrja@outlook.com.

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