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Kenyan Greetings

20th March 2024: Joy Murphy
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Greetings from Kenya! I visited the homes of three children Karibuni is supporting, in Njoro last week. I could tell the story of each of them, but I want to tell you about Moses. He is the 4 year old brother of the boy we sponsor.

Moses has rickets, mostly due to malnutrition. He's already had ricket nodules removed from each knee at a mission hospital; both have recurred. He now needs x-rays, which the mother can't afford, before further free treatment.

On my last Sunday at AMC before coming to Kenya, some of you gave me the total of £200 to use when I came across a particular need. This is to share with you that I have sent 5000 shillings to cover the cost. I'll keep you informed of progress, but first, Asante sana (thank you very much) for this gift.

My love and every blessing, Joy

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