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User Groups

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Since re-opening in 2009 after our refurbishment, over 100 different groups have used the premises on a regular or occasional basis. Activities in the community centre cater for the needs of children, families, the mature and elderly, the disadvantaged and those of any age seeking recreational pursuits.

Our own church user groups are shown elsewhere on the Youth and Activities pages. Examples of other regular users are shown below. They may all be contacted via the church office:
Telephone 01296 426526
Email: office@aylesburymethodists.org.uk.

ActivityDescriptionTimesMore information
Aylesbury Child Contact Centre Provides a safe place for children to meet with parents with whom they no longer live after relationship breakdown Meet 1st and 3rd Saturday each month, 10am – 3pm Co-ordinator – Lianne Corben
07722 036873 www.naccc.org.uk
Aylesbury Deaf Coffee Morning Club This is for deaf people to meet up for relaxation and chats. People can learn sign language and about deaf awareness. Meets 1st and 3rd Tuesdays each month, 11.00-2.00pm cathymcguiness1@hotmail.co.uk
Aylesbury Talking Newspapers Provides a comprehensive local news service to blind and partially sighted people by producing weekly audio cassettes of stories from the local newspaper. Records on Wednesdays 5-8pm www.tnf.org.uk
Concerts The church can seat 300 for services, music and other concerts and events, such as the Aylesbury Festival Choir, the Annual Organ Concert and the organ-accompanied Silent Film evenings. See weekly notices and publicity for details
Aylesbury Macular Society support group Meetings open to anyone affected by central vision loss to share information, experiences, and pass on hints and tips. We also invite guest speakers to talk on a variety of subjects. Meet on the last Friday in each month, except December from 1pm to 3pm. Contact Christine on 01296 581771 or Paul on 07769 494 087. www.macularsociety.org
NHS Blood & Transplants Blood donor sessions for the general public Variable dates and times www.nhsbt.nhs.uk
Virtus Care Services A day centre for people with learning difficulties, helping them to integrate into the community, be more independent and maybe have some work experience Monday – Friday 9.30 – 4pm www.seestheday.org.uk

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Aylesbury Methodist Church & Centre
Buckingham Street
HP20 2NQ

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© 2025 – Aylesbury Methodist Church
Registered Charity 1129749