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Our Governance

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The Methodist Church is Britain's fourth largest Christian denomination with over 200,000 members who meet in over 4,000 churches. The oldest opened in 1764 and the youngest opened in 2014. They exist to respond to the gospel of God's love and to live out its discipleship in worship and service.

All the churches are linked together in what we call a Connexion of churches, circuits and districts.

Our Aylesbury Methodist Church (AMC) and its some 250 members are one of the 18 churches of the Vale of Aylesbury Circuit. This is served by a team of ministers and local preachers under the oversight of the Superintendent Minister, Reverend Richard Atkinson.

We are one of the 31 circuits in the Northampton District and Reverend Helen Campbell is our District Chair..

Churches, circuits and districts come together at the annual Methodist Conference where all areas of the church are represented to review and endorse the Vision, Values, Doctrines and Mission of the Church. The conference is presided over by a President and Vice President – both appointed for one year. The former is always an ordained minister; the latter is always a lay person. The involvement of lay people at all levels in the life of the church is a strong feature of Methodism.

The oversight of most aspects of the life of each church and the local decision-making body, is the Church Council. At AMC this is chaired by the Minister and its 40 members consist of Church Stewards and office holders appointed by the Church Council and representatives of church members elected by the annual General Church Meeting.

Church Council members are trustees of the church and their names are provided in the annual report.

For more information:

The Constitutional Practice and Discipline of the Methodist Church may be downloaded from the Methodist Church website.

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Aylesbury Methodist Church & Centre
Buckingham Street
HP20 2NQ

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© 2025 – Aylesbury Methodist Church
Registered Charity 1129749