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Foodbank Update

2nd March 2023: Kevin Hardern
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Last Monday we had 24 clients in the Welcome Space, and we served them tea/coffee, toast with jam while they chatted amongst themselves from 7.15pm. We gave out 12 food boxes from Trussell Trust, (who collect the food and toiletries you donate at AMC, then sort and deliver more boxes to us on Wednesdays). We pick up end-of-day baguettes, rolls, cakes and pies from Greggs and Wenzells in town to distribute around 8.30pm, itself a significant attraction to those in need.

Given the rising numbers, we could do with another person just to be around on Mondays till 9.00pm to help with distribution, socialising (an important feature of our provision for a good number), and just being there. It is a non-threatening environment in case you are concerned. So, if you think you could help, why not give it a go?

Contact Kevin (01296 481285) or Karen (07762 876544) if you feel you can help. Of course, we all know that 'If we all give a little, we all gain a lot'!

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